Interreg DRP’s solidarity with Ukraine and Moldova

The Interreg Danube Region Programme (DRP) worked closely with the European Commission and local authorities in Ukraine and Moldova in responding to the ongoing humanitarian crises.

At the end of 2023 and in early 2024, the DRP has allocated a total of 1,060,901.02 EUR for Moldovan partners and 976,806.70 EUR to Ukrainian partners, utilizing leftover ENI funds within the framework of retroactive financing under the REACT-EU. 

The collective effort of the European Commission and local authorities has been crucial in developing and implementing this initiative. While the DRP Managing Authority/ Joint Secretariat together with European Commission developed a comprehensive framework for implementing this scheme, the Ukrainian and Moldovan National Authorities played a crucial role in identifying institutions eligible for reimbursement of retroactive costs.

Leveraging leftover ENI Funds for humanitarian support

DRP successfully refunded 976,806.70 EUR to Ukrainian partners to address urgent needs of local communities focusing on civil defense facilities, temporary accommodation, repair of shelters and dormitories, as well as reconstruction and rehabilitation of schools. In Moldova, DRP allocated 1,060,901.02 EUR to a range of activities aimed at supporting refugees by the Refugee Accommodation Centers (RACs), ensuring their basic needs are met, and facilitating their integration into host communities.

Up until August 31, 2023, the total number of refugees who have benefited from the services provided by 28 Refugee Accommodation Centers (RACs) reached 14,347 individuals. 


Key activities supported by the Danube programme in Moldova

  1. Expenses for materials, goods, and provision of services:
    • Addressing the basic human needs of refugees, including the acquisition, storage, and management of essential goods and services. These materials encompass food, hygiene products, personal protective equipment, medications, and other items vital for the well-being and security of refugees.
  2. Monitoring, managing, and securing temporary refugee placement centers:
    • Ensuring the safety and proper management of Temporary Refugee Placement Centers was paramount. Investments were made in center management, communal services, and training of staff to ensure a decent living environment and manage refugee flows effectively. 
  3. Support and inclusion of refugees:
    • Focusing on the integration and support of refugees within the local community. Social assistants provided necessary support within Temporary Placement Centers, promoting social inclusion and helping refugees adapt to their new environment.
  4. Capacity building and cooperation:
    • Enhancing the skills and capabilities of those involved in refugee support and promoting collaboration among entities working towards common goals. This included technical assistance, sharing best practices, and fostering cooperation to address refugee challenges effectively.


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