5 DRP projects honored with Danube Strategy Flagships title
Five exemplary projects funded by the Danube Region Programme have been awarded the prestigious Danube Strategy Flagships title. The flagships illustrate the progress achieved in implementing the Strategy.
Projects DECIDE, BrAIn, Plan-C, Harmonmissions and WE.Circular were recognised by the EUSDR priority areas steering groups of Knowledge society (Priority Area 7) and Competitiveness of enterprises (Priority Area 8) for their clear macro-regional impact and multi-level governance approach.
The awarded projects are well set to advance the goals of the strategy and we are committed to make sure they do!

Carmen Hawkins and Helia Kovačević Grčić from PA 8 together with the colleagues from Danube Strategy Point, Cristina Cuc and Katharina Lenz, handed over the Danube Flagship Certificate to Prof. Dr. Jonathan Loeffler from Steinbeis Europa Zentrum.
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