Building Partnerships: Regional Working Group Kick-off at Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm (Germany)

Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm (Germany)

Kick-off meeting of the regional working group on 4 June 2024

An important component of our new Interreg project 'Active2Public Transport' is the involvement of local and regional stakeholders to create synergies and maximum added value for the region. To this end, the kick-off meeting of the regional working group took place on 4 June, bringing together various representatives from the sustainable mobility sector. Participants shared their experiences and comments on the project. This was complemented by a presentation from the city of Ulm on current and planned measures to promote sustainable mobility in the urban area. The kick-off meeting was fruitful and provided a good framework for mutual exchange. Further meetings of the working group will take place in the course of the project. 

Text: Annika Morath, Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm




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