Sustainable Mobility Synergy: Lessons from the Active2Public Transport Meeting

Modern, intelligent transportation systems cannot function without the seamless integration of cycling, walking, and public transport. This is precisely the goal of the Active2Public Transport (A2PT) project, which aims to improve the methods for ensuring this cohesion through collaboration among specialists from various fields. From 16-18 July 2024, over 30 professionals from nine countries in the Danube region convened to explore ways to achieve this synergy.

The event took place in the Olomouc region in the Czech Republic, where participants were warmly welcomed by Vice-Governor Jan Šafařík. Over two days filled with discussions and presentations, the group tackled various topics, including:

  • Analyzing Carbon Intensity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Transport Sector
  • Conducting Needs Assessments and Analyzing the Current A2PT System in the Danube Region
  • Creating the A2PT Toolbox providing inventory of possible solutions

Intensive meetings and lectures lasted for two days. Photo: © Jitka Vrtalova

Learning by Doing: Field Experiences

The best way to understand sustainable mobility is by experiencing it firsthand. After two intense days of meetings, representatives from the nine countries ventured into the field to test sustainable mobility services and assess the potential for transferring these experiences to their own regions.

One of the main challenges appeared to be connecting the cycling infrastructure to ensure safe commuting by bike. Therefore, specialists embarked on a cycling tour from Olomouc through Litovel, Uničov, and finally Šternberk. This route formed a 66 km loop, primarily on dedicated cycle paths.


Cycling tour from Olomouc through Litovel, Uničov, and finally Šternberk created 66km loop. Photo: © Irene Bittner

Highlights from Uničov and the BIKETOWER at Přerov 

An exemplary town for integrating cycling, walking, and public transport is the small town of Uničov, recently awarded the title of the most bike-friendly place in Czechia, surpassing several major cities. Over the past 20 years, Uničov has developed an interconnected cycle path network that extends within the town, to neighbouring villages, and to the nearest railway stations. Additionally, the Uničov station is barrier-free, featuring good accessibility, low-floor trains, and covered parking for bikes and other individual mobility means.

Another highlight was the "BIKETOWER" at the Přerov interchange, where specialists observed one of the 20 "BIKETOWER" facilities for bike parking. This self-service storage system, an industrial robot fulfilling the function of a modern bicycle shed, can safely store bicycles within 25 seconds at a cost of only 20 cents per day.


Transport experts from 9 countries also visited the BIKETOWER in Přerov. © Photo: Irene Bittner

 The A2PT Project: A Collaborative Effort

The A2PT project is co-funded by the European Union, with the Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) serving as the lead partner of a remarkable team. This collaborative effort is paving the way for a more sustainable and integrated transport future in the Danube region.

By bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds and focusing on practical, on-the-ground experiences, the A2PT project is making significant strides towards smarter, greener transportation solutions. As these experts return to their respective countries, they carry with them valuable insights and practical tools to implement in their own regions, fostering a future where cycling, walking, and public transport seamlessly work together for the benefit of all.


Transporting bicycles on Czech low-floor trains. Photo: © Emanuela Dimitriu


By Jitka Vrtalova

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