Overcoming barriers, creating opportunities
We provide EU funding to projects and organisations helping to advance cooperation for a smarter, greener, and more inclusive Danube region.
In the spotlight

MicroDrink project a success story on EU Commission news blog
We are proud to present how our Interreg Danube project MicroDrink aims to help combat the presence and impact of microplastics in surface and groundwater - especially drinking water sources in the Danube region. We, the Interreg Danube Region Programme, together with our project partners, stakeholders and citizens, are united in our commitment to help our blue planet save its treasure - its majesty, Water. And it starts with the Danube region.
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Fresh wolf tracks in the snow on the Old mountain!
ForestConnect project has just completed the installation of five camera traps on Stara planina. While searching for the best locations for the cameras, they came across fresh wolf tracks in the snow!

Policy webinar on city preparedness and capacity to tackle urban heat islands!
Be Ready project is calling you to join the policy webinar for an engaging discussion and mutual learning between cities, policymakers and experts on city preparedness and capacity to tackle urban heat islands! Spread the word!

You are hired! Bravo for the CultHerit project!
Meet the young professionals employed through the CultHerit project! One of them is Dorotea Asceric from Serbia.
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Who we are
The management and support of the Danube Region Programme are overseen by several programme bodies tasked with programme administration and project assistance. These bodies comprise representatives from all partner countries. DRP also supports the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

DRP at a glance
The Interreg Danube Region Programme (DRP) is a transnational funding programme, co-funded by the European Union. We help advance competitiveness and sustainable development of the programme's area through innovation, green transition, social inclusion and better regional governance.

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